
Q. How do I sign up for lower electric rates? Signing up with Energy Management for your business is easy, but first we must find you the lowest rates for your electric and gas. Just fax us your utility bills and we will immediately contact suppliers in your area for the lowest electric rate quotes for your usage volumes. Or fax number is 847-995-0050. Q What is the sign up process? Once you have received our quote for service and selected which rate option and term you would like proceed with, we will email you a supplier contract for services that is time sensitive and must be approved and returned within 24 hours for the supplier to honor the rate. If you would like to review it longer, that’s OK, but the rate quote and contract will have to be refreshed again when you would like to proceed. This may change the rate slightly but you will all the more likely be very close to initial rates quoted. Q Do suppliers have an early cancellation fees? Business Accounts: The early termination fees per Account shall be calculated and described in each suppliers contract and normally is average kW’s x remaining contracted rate and term.
Q. Do I need to contact my current supplier or my utility if I want to switch? No, you will not need to contact your supplier or utility to switch. The chosen supplier will work with your current utility for a seamless transition, meaning that your utility will continue to deliver the power to your home or small business. You will remain a customer of your current utility as long as they continue to deliver energy to your home. You will just start receiving your bill from new supplier. Q. Will I still be able to switch suppliers if I have an outstanding balance with my utility?
For Ameren utility customers: You will not be eligible to switch suppliers if you have an outstanding balance For ComEd utility customers: You are still eligible to switch to a new supplier with the outstanding balance. However, your outstanding balance will still be owed to the utility. Ultimately, as long as the balance remains outstanding, you are in danger of being disconnected, no matter if you are with a supplier or not. It is recommended that you clear up any past due charges prior to switching your energy provider. Q. When will my new supply rate take effect? We expect new customers to see the change of supplier on their utility bill between 3 to 30 days after enrollment based on when the next bill cycle is for customer at the utility.
Q. Will my electricity be interrupted when I switch suppliers? No, the switch is really seamless and will not interrupt your service. All you’ll notice is a change to your utility bill.
Q. Do Suppliers quoted require a deposit? No. However, if you are behind in your payments, the utility may still require a deposit from you as they would from any customer. Q. If I switch through Energy Management, can I switch back to my local utility or to a different supplier? Yes, you can return to your utility or switch to another supplier at any time. However, if you terminate the agreement during the term, termination penalties may apply. Also, note that if you switch back to the utility, you may be required to stay with the utility for the next 12 months before you can switch again. Q: What if I don’t like services after signing? All Suppliers strives to ensure that all customers’ experiences will be of the highest quality. However, if you have a complaint you are encouraged to contact your suppliers toll free customer service number, State Commerce Commission or your local utility to file a complaint.